Nixida Velazquez Fund

A Bat Lover Gone Too Soon...

Nixida Velazquez

June 24, 1983 -August 23 2015


"Nix" (as she was known to her friends and I) was born on June 24, 1983  in Puerto Rico. She came to NYC in her early 20s, and the city was her paradise. We first met at the "Chiller Theatre" convention a few years back.
For the past few months she was working as a part time greeter at the Morbid Anatomy Museum in Brooklyn.
She was also a judge for the New York City Horror Film Festival for the past 3 years. 
Nixida was a beautiful caring soul. She saw the beauty in everything. If it was something that others thought was ugly, horrific, or too taboo, she welcomed it with open arms and would find the beauty within it. She was an amazing friend to so many, a teacher to others, a sister to some. You taught us how to look at ugliness and find the beauty within.
* A note from Nixida's friends-
"You were an inspiration and a beautiful soul to anyone that met you. You would make the saddest person smile and make them laugh when they were down. You Gave us your shoulder to cry on. People that had only met you once say that you left an amazing mark on their lives. You have helped many people through some personal struggles. You took care of everyone around you. You were so loving, funny, amazing, caring, lovable. You never turned anyone away from your love. You knew how to live life to the fullest and taught us that. You will be missed by many..."

Nix passed a torch on to us and we have to carry that torch for her. We each individually learned something different from her and we all have crossed paths with each other or will soon.
Know that death is not something terrible, but a sign that a person has lived and seen as much as they can. They are happy with what they have seen, done, learned and lived. Relive the joys and happy times you have had with them in your life. That is what Nix would have wanted- To see the people that she loved remembering the awesome crazy times they had together, and to be happy seeing just how many lives she had touched.

She was put on this earth to teach us to love all.
Nix loved bats and all animals. Her friends have asked us to put together a fund in her name to help bats and The Wildlife Conservation Center.
Thank you Nix, your love and memory live on.